Sunday 4 September 2011

Foreign Press & Japan

As someone who is British by birth, I never like to put the BBC down, but once again coverage of the Typhoon Talas has disappointed me.  It is easy to be blasé about the weather in Japan, where  earthquakes and typhoons are commonplace, it is easy to accept it as the norm, which in Japan it is, but because they occur so often it easy to miss when it is unusual.

As I type this NHK puts the death toll at 24, with 54 missing.  Fifteen of the deaths were in Wakayama.  The BBC has the death toll at 19 with 50 missing.  Of course, because of the time difference, a certain disparity between both reports is inevitable the BBC catches up eventually.  But yet, in the age of a twenty four hour news broadcasting, not mention Twitter feed constantly bombarding us with information, you think news organizations all over the world would be able to keep up.

Below are the two reports one from NHK & one from the BBC. 

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